GEMCO s.r.o. is a consulting company that provides the expert consultancy and assistance in implementing quality management systems, environment and security systems, according to the standards of ISO 9001, 14001 (EMS), ISO 45001, ISO 27001. In the past we helped to build a successful certification in the following market segments: engineering, electrical industry, firms involved in the area of building industries, services and food production.
In our activities, we apply the methods of process management, which are introduced by review sets of norms CSN EN ISO 9001:2001. In understanding and performance of the process management we see the greatest added value for a particular client. Our company participates in frame of the international cooperation on the application of the method of Balanced Scorecard (BCS) for the system of quality (QMS) and safety (SMS). The model of integrated management system, in which the whole company is seen as a dynamic unit, is subsequently applied in our clients. For more information on that project, we give you.
We can provide the expert assistance containing the training of the top management (middle, executive, etc.) and the implementation of special instruments that are required by the quality management systems (QFD, FMEA, SPC, abilities of machines, gauges, etc.)
We also participate in training of employees and the final system checks prior to the certification. We are helping professionally at all audits (entry, pre-audit, etc.) and at the own quality management system certification, where we ensure the personal participation of the consultant and the professional guarantee of the submitted solution.
Another of our activity is the preparation and performance of special supplements for a set of standards ISO 9000. There are the requirements of IATF 16949, which are designed for the needs of automobile industry.
The crucial element for the quality of our services is the systematic training of our specialists. Our expert advisors and auditors are qualified under the harmonized system of education as required by IRCA or EOQ. Our company has cooperated with important international certification companies for many years. Permanent relationships in the area of education, development of consultancy methodology and audits, and the known requirements of the certification companies are the basis for successful preparation and the following certification.
We firmly believe that the achievements in the area of the quality management and EMS efficiently help to Czech companies in the hard competitive fight in domestic, European and the world market.
We will give you any additional information and we look forward to meeting you.
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You can contact us even on our helpdesk:
+420 572 555 337-8